Privacy Policy | Dentalhow

Privacy Policy



INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U. is especially concerned about the protection and the treatment of the personal data of the users of the web services. Through this Privacy Polity INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U., informs the USERS of this web, about the uses of their personal data that the website recollects, with the objective that the user decides, freely, if they want to facilitate the information solicited. 


INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U. will have the right and the faculty to modify this PRIVACY POLICY in order to adapt it to new laws, events that occur in the sector, or personal interests. Any modification on it will be announced with enough time, so everyone knows what it contains.




The responsible for the Treatment of personal data is:

Identity: INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U. with NIF: B12843199, known as ENTITY onwards

Address: AVDA. REY DON JAIME, Nº 5 – ENTLO., 12001 – CASTELLON







The recollection and treatment of personal data collected through the contact formulary have as purpose the management, administration, extension, and upgrade of the services already facilitated by  INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U., following the requests for information and/or queries raised.




All the personal data gathered will be held for a period of time following the legal obligations, or until the user requests the elimination of the information. 




INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U. is entitled to the processing of personal data, based on the consent granted by the interested party for one or several specific purposes, such and as stated in article 6.1.a) and 6.1.b) of the General Regulations for the Protection of personal information.




The personal data collected can be loaned to other companies from the Rojas-Vizcaya Bussines Group in order to achieve the stated purposes. 


This information won’t be loaned or transferred to any third party, except when needed for the development, control and fulfillment of the necessities expressed before; in cases specificated by law, and also in specific cases where the user has been informed previously. 


USERS RIGHTS: Which are the user’s rights when they facilitate to us their information?


  • Access: The interested has the right to know which information is the ENTITY using about him
  • Rectification: The interested has the right to order the rectification of incorrect data or information about him
  • Suppression: The interested has the right to order the suppression of his data when that information isn’t necessary for the purpose established.
  • Treatment Limitation: In some certain circumstances, the interested will be allowed to solicit the limitation in the treatment of his personal information. In that case, we would only keep this information for our defense from future claims.
  • Opposition: In certain circumstances, the interested will be able to be against the treatment and collection of their personal data. In this case, the ENTITY will stop treating his data, except in compelling legitimate cases or for the future defense from possible inquires.
  • Data portability: Only applicable to automatized data which consists in the portability of the data from the ENTITY to a new RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TREATMENT. 


You can exercise your rights, including the right to retire your consent (If it was given) sending a writing together with their DNI to INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U. in AVDA. REY DON JAIME, Nº 5 – ENTLO., 12001 – CASTELLON or by sending an email to ;


You also have the right to present an inquiry to the Authority of Control in terms of Data Protection, actually located in the Data Protection Spanish Agency.




The responsible for the INSTITUTO MEDITERRANEO DE PROSTODONCIA S.L.U. will apply technical measures appropriated to guarantee a security level appropriate to the risk of the same.




YES, we make and receive international transfers. 




Profiles are created, and there are automated decisions made with the information facilitated by the user.